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Worship Arts | Choir Wednesdays @ 7:15 & Band Thursdays @ 6:00

Our goal is not perfection.  Our goal is EXCELLENCE (and excellence is a moving target).

Our worship arts ministry is composed of dedicated and committed artists who offer their God-given gifts as members of the Choir and Praise Band.  Through the arts, we remember God's saving actions and anticipate the completion of God's saving work.

-Choir:  Our Choir consists of various soprano, alto, tenor, and bass voices that perform weekly anthems at the 10:00AM Service. Choir rehearsals are held on Wednesdays at 7:15 pm (unless otherwise noted). All voices (good and not-so-good) are welcome to join.  As long as you are a living, breathing creature, you can praise God!

-Band:  Our Praise Band is composed of various instrument players and vocalists.  Music from the band is more contemporary and is featured in the 10:00AM Service.  We are always looking for more instrumentalists (you don't have to dedicate yourself to every Sunday). Our band practices on Thursdays at 6:00PM.

If you would like to purchase a song/anthem in dedication for a loved one, please contact us.

Slippery Rock UMC


130 Franklin Street

Slippery Rock, PA 16057


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